When can I visit?
The Redwood Sky Walk sits inside the Sequoia Park Zoo and follows zoo hours. The Sequoia Park Zoo is open year-round, Tuesday-Sunday from 10 AM to 5PM. Last entry is at 4:30 PM.
How high is the Redwood Sky Walk experience?
At the highest point, the Redwood Sky Walk reaches over 100 feet above the forest floor. Platforms will sit about 1/3 of the way up the in-city old-growth and mature second-growth redwood grove. The upper canopy of these trees reaches approximately 250 feet.
How long is the Redwood Sky Walk?
The Redwood Sky Walk is just under 1/4 mile to the end and back (1,104 linear feet), stretched out across a network of suspended bridges that reach across and through old-growth and mature second-growth redwood trees. It is the longest sky walk in the western United States.
What is the ‘adventure leg’?
The adventure leg is 369 feet long and 36 inches wide with square open mesh decking. Though it is safe, the user will feel more exposed to the natural surroundings and more aware of their height, which will reach 100 feet above the forest floor. The adventure leg bridges are also apt to sway in minor winds, intentionally more than the ADA bridges, adding to the excitement. Even without a notable breeze, visitors are likely to feel themselves, as well as others, moving across the bridges.
What is the Redwood Sky Walk made out of?
The Ascent Ramp and Launch Deck are wood structures, with concrete foundations, and Dynaplank (a walkable tread surface that is non-slip and highly durable). The posts and handrails on the structure are redwood and metal panels are infilled between posts.
The Redwood Sky Walk is made from fabricated aluminum for bridges and platforms and has the same Dynaplank surface for walking. Railings are made from cable and metal mesh panels.
All material choices were made for safety, longevity, and ease of maintenance.
What safety precautions are in place?
Because this is not an adventure course, no harnesses and helmets will be required. The Redwood Sky Walk has 3.5 – 4 feet high guardrails, designed to maximize visitor safety and minimize the ability of children to climb or put their feet into the netting or metal panels.
The Ascent Ramp and Launch Deck were designed with both earthquakes and high winds in mind. The structural members were upsized to look and feel much more substantial, as well as to perform better in seismic and wind events. All structures are built to code and inspected regularly.
Tree platforms and bridges are designed and constructed using a factor of safety beyond the structural capacity of the trees. Additional tree attachments have been added to increase safety.
How does the Redwood Sky Walk affect tree health?
The bridges and platforms that will allow visitors to traverse the Redwood Sky Walk are suspended from the trees themselves without any impact to the forest floor below. The technique and mechanics of these attachments have been designed specifically to ensure minimal impact on the trees to which they are anchored to add strength over time and provide room for them to continue to grow unimpeded.
How does the Redwood Sky Walk integrate with the Zoo?
The Redwood Sky Walk is accessible only through the Sequoia Park Zoo. The experience is intentionally integrated and complements the natural environment, current animal exhibits, and nature play areas. A future Redwood Discovery Center and a bear/coyote exhibit will soon enhance the offering and visitor experience even further.
How can I stay up to date on the latest Redwood Sky Walk News and Information?
Our biggest fans become members of the Sequoia Park Zoo! Members get frequent updates through the Zoo’s weekly eChatter newsletter.
Alternatively, check out the Sequoia Park Zoo website (redwoodzoo.org) for the latest updates and information.